Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pregnancy Diet

Foods to Eat During First Trimester

The first trimester is the first third of the pregnancy, and is therefore about 3 months long. During this period, the fertilized egg goes from being a bunch of unrecognized cells to a growing baby. The fetus develops the brain, lungs and heart during this period and also changes into a recognizable shape. It is therefore important to have a good diet during this period.
Ideally, a woman should try and maintain a healthy diet even before conception. If the woman’s body is healthy and being fed well, it is likely that her baby will be healthy and well fed as well.
Studies have shown that overweight and underweight mothers are more likely to suffer from complications and birth defects than those who have a moderate weight. One should follow a healthy diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables with plenty of vitamins and minerals before attempting to get pregnant. One should also be properly hydrated and ideally not excessively overweight or underweight.

Before conception, you should have as healthy a diet as possible. Junk foods, processed foods, extra sugar and trans-fats should be strictly avoided. You should try to eat more fruits and vegetable, whole grains, lean proteins, dairy and healthy fats.
Healthy fats are often ignored as fat is given a bad reputation. Healthy fats help you store up energy and are vital for the maintenance of your body. More on diet during first trimester
Once you are pregnant you may suffer from morning sickness issues.
This makes it difficult to eat properly and you may suffer from nausea when you smell certain types of foods. During this period, try and eat small meals so that you do not throw up and regularly drink water and get fresh air. The kind of food that does not trigger a vomiting response differs from woman to woman. Some women prefer extremely light food during this period and stick to fruits and cereals. Prior to pregnancy you may visit your doctor to get yourself checked out and make sure your vital signs are within the acceptable range. Vitamin supplements that include folic acid should be taken to ensure the good health of your future child. Some natural sources exist which can supply the body with folic acid. Many grains contain moderate amounts of folic acid. 
During your first trimester, try not to eat too much food. Your body will be able to tell you when it is hungry and you should not have excessively large meals at any time as these are more difficult to digest. 

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman’s life. However, it is very important that an expectant mother watches what she eats. After all, a well balanced diet affects both the mother and the developing child.

Some foods contain bacteria that might harm the mother or worse the developing fetus and could also result in a miscarriage.

Given below is a list of foods should be stayed away from during pregnancy.
• Raw shellfish: Pregnant women should avoid this as it can cause many sea borne diseases.
• Swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, and shark all contain high levels of mercury.
Too much mercury can result in brain damage to the fetus.
• Raw meat should be strictly avoided. This includes poultry, seafood, sushi, rare of uncooked beef. The bacteria present (coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella) can harm the baby.
• Raw or undercooked eggs should be avoided for the same reason. Also beware of food made at home that may contain raw egg, for instance chocolate mousse or ice cream or custard.
• Soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, Camambert, Gorgonzola or blue cheese contain harmful bacteria as do others like queso blanco and queso fresco.
• Limit your intake of liver and liver products (sausages or pate) as it contains large amounts of the retinol form of Vitamin A which are harmful to the growing baby.
• It is best to steer clear of alcohol altogether. Alcohol can cause severe learning and physical disabilities as well as emotional problems for children whose mothers consumed alcohol when pregnant.
• Caffeine should also be avoided as studies have shown a connection between this and miscarriages and premature birth too.
• Deli meats such as hot dogs contain the listeria bacteria which could cause stillbirths or miscarriages. Smoked seafood (especially refrigerated) and meat spreads should be avoided for the same reason too.
• Ensure that the vegetables you eat are washed thoroughly before you eat them.
They might be exposed to toxoplasmosis which is a parasitic disease which affects the soil where the vegetables grow. 
• Steer clear of salmon, bluefish, striped bass, trout, walleye and pike. These are fish that have been exposed to industrial pollutants which are harmful for health.
• Unpasteurized milk contains listeria. Ensure that the milk you drink is pasteurized.
• Any kind of pate -fish, meat or vegetable should be avoided.

Keep the above foods in mind while planning your diet in pregnancy.

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